Translation Flow

How to start (Please rephrase)

You just have to contact Tomedes support. Based on your requirements, Tomedes will provide you an API Key. Once you have your unique API Key, you can use any of the Tomedes APIs. You just need to submit your work email and callback URL to process the orders. (Callback URL will be used by Tomedes to interact with you.)

There will be only one callback URL for all the orders of your account.

Get the available services

Before starting, you can get the list of available language pairs for which the translation service is available. There is an API to get the language pairs for which Tomedes provides translation service. You will receive a list of pairs (source_language & target_language).

Here, the language name will be displayed by ISO 639-1 standard code. Also, while interacting with the Tomedes APIs, you have to use the same language code.

Get a quote

You can get a quote of your order just by simply sending the requirements like - source language, target languages (can be multiple) and the source(text/file) that needs to be translated. Here, source can be text of any form - paragraphs, email, blog, a bunch of small lines or files that contain text. You also need to send your preferable service type. Based on the submitted data, you will receive estimated value for your order within the fractions of a minute.

Place an order

If you are convinced to use the Tomedes services, you can place the order by using the same request that you used to get the quote. Besides, you can give your instructions for the order and comment, context, separate plural translation request and reference for each string(a line of text). While translating, all the data submitted with the order will be considered by the translator.

The order will have a source, an array with multiple source objects. So, you can place the order with numerous source elements/objects. Each source element can be of type text or file. If the source type is text, you need to submit the text or if the source type is file, you need to submit the file.

Get order update

Once the order is placed, the order and each source element of the order will have a unique id generated by Tomedes. Every time when the source element is updated or commented by the translator, you will receive the callback on the submitted callback URL.

There is another way to check the status of order and each source element. There is a separate API to get the info of the whole order, including the status of the order.

Quality support

Once the order is translated, Tomedes will allow 120 hours to review. Within these hours, you can review the translated data and can reject or approve the translation. If you do not do anything within these hours, the order will be automatically approved.

Instead you can revise some of the source elements of the order. You just need to submit the reason for revising for each source element. The translator will start work on the revising source elements and submit again for your approval. Again, you will have the same 120 hours to review and take action for the revised source elements. Also, there is an API to get the list of revising strings.

Interactions with the translator

After placing the order, anytime you can contact the translator through the comments. You can add the comment for the whole order as well as for each source element. You can also get the list of the comments for each source element.

Order cancellation

After placing the order, you can cancel it only if the order is pending from the translator side and the status is - pending. It is required for all the source elements to have the same status as the order.

Last updated