API Endpoint Summary

POST public-api/v1/get-language-pair

Retrieves a list of available translation language pairs.

POST public-api/v1/get-quote

As per the requirements you submitted, get the quote for your order. This will not place the actual order but help you to decide which service will be more suitable for you.

For the source_data(text) - max limit is 5000 characters.

For the source_data(file) - max limit is 200mb.

POST public-api/v1/place-order

The request will be the same as API - get-quote. But, this one will place the actual order with Tomedes translation services. Once the order is successfully placed, you will receive a unique order id.

GET public-api/v1/order/{order_id}

Retrieves a specific order.

PUT public-api/v1/order/{order_id}

To approve/reject/revise the translated order. It is required that the given order must be translated. When the action is approve - the order with all the source string will be approved. No other action can be done on an approved order.

When the action is reject - the order with all the source string will be rejected. No other action can be done on a rejected order.

When the action is revise - specific source id needs to be passed and the given source element will be revised by the translator. When any of the source elements is revised, the order will be considered as revised.

GET public-api/v1/order/{order_id}/revising

Retrieve the list revising source elements.

DELETE public-api/v1/order/{order_id}

Cancel the given order. The order must be pending.

POST public-api/v1/post-order-comment

Add the comment for the whole order.

POST public-api/v1/post-comment

Add the comment for the given source element. You can add the image with the text.

POST public-api/v1/get-comments

Retrieve the list of comments of given source elements.

Last updated